RUTLAND BORDER EPIQUE Sportive 17th June 2023

Thank you for entering the Rutland Border Epique Sportive on Saturday

We hope you have a great day out on the bike - please start by reading the following carefully as this will help make your day run as smoothly as possible.

Organiser:  Gary Coltman  Tel 07515 606612   email:


Stockyard, Melton Mowbray Market
Scalford Rd,
Melton Mowbray LE13 1JY

Parking - is included in the entry fee as with all our events. Car Park opens at 0630

The entrance to the car park is off of Nottingham road as shown on the map (almost opposite Sainsbury's).  There is no access to the car park off of Scalford Road

What3words for the car park:  ///sides.bumps.monks

Once parked, the route to registration & the start will be clearly signed.


Registration and Start times

Please sign on and collect your rider number along with timing ‘chip’ in the building adjacent to the start (see map).

Registration opens 0715
Registration closes 0900

·         Long route starts from 0815

·         Medium route Starts from 0840

·         Short route starts at 0915

The start closes at 0930

Long & Medium route riders - You may also start up to 0930, but you will need to make sure you can complete the course in time to get your food at the 2nd feed and at the end!

IMPORTANT:  Please do not start earlier than the above stated ride as you may arrive at a feed station too early for them to be open and set up! 

You will be set off in groups of about 10 riders but there is no need to stay with the group.
Please take note of the starters briefing as there is important information to relay to you!

Finishing & Timing

We are using the services of D3Racetec to provide electronic timing for this event. You will receive a sticker for your helmet and it should be positioned on the LEFT of your helmet.

Times will be uploaded to the D3 website throughout the day.  You can check them out here and you will also receive your time by text shortly after you finish (if you have provided a mobile number on your ITP registration). Results will also be on our website results page after the event. 
Feed Stations and Post ride refreshments

Feed Stations will provide refreshments and positioned as follows:

·         Feed 1:  Buckminster Village Hall.
- All routes. 
- At 19 miles on the short route
- At 29 miles on the medium and long routes
Feed closes at 12 noon

·         Feed 2:  Owston Village Hall
- Long Route only
- At 69 miles
Feed closes at 1530 (to arrive at 1500 means riding at an avg speed of 11.6 mph inc. a 30 mins stop at feed one assuming starting at 0830)

When at the feeds, please respect the properties etc around you.  Please don’t lean bikes again villagers hedges, cars or anything else that may create issues for us returning in the future.  Thank you.

Both feeds will have a mixture of food to include flapjack, cake, bananas, crisps, etc   In addition, there will be Tea, Coffee as well as High 5 energy drink and water to refill your bottles.

At the end of the ride, there will be hot food served (Pulled Pork Roll or Vegetarian Lasagne) plus tea and coffee available (included in the entry fee).  Please show you medal to obtain your food.
                                                      Post ride food will end at 1700

Route Downloads & Navigation
Routes can be downloaded from our event page here


In order to download a file in various formats, you should go to our event page here, scroll down until you see the maps & click on View Full Version on the top left of your chosen route.  Once there, click on More” and then “Export as file”.  Choose your file type and download.

The route is fully signed with A3 signs with a red arrow on a white background.
Long route riders please note that there is another ride taking place on some of the same roads.  You will start to see signs after the first feed. However, the timings of both riders should mean that you will see very little of their riders – but either way, please just remember to follow our signage!

An example sign will be at the start. If you find yourself off course please ring the emergency phone number provided and we will help you back onto the route. Please do this as soon as you suspect you are off route

If it becomes obvious that signs have been tampered with anywhere on the route, please contact the organiser or report it to other event staff immediately so this can be remedied ASAP.   

Helmets are mandatory for insurance purposes. Any rider not wearing a helmet will be deemed to be not part of the event.

There are a number of potholes on the roads (as with all small roads these days!). Please point potholes out to other riders around you and keep your head up at all times. The route travels along a lot of small country roads that are used daily by farm machinery etc.  Road surfaces have deteriorated over the past few years, so please pay extra attention and we would not recommend riding on particularly lightweight tyres

To contact the event control please use the following number.

Please use this number for FIRST AID, mechanicals,

or broom wagon – 07842 290458

This number is also printed on your number board.

Should you need to call for assistance of any kind, please provide your location as accurately as possible. If possible, please use what3words for this, or alternatively you can send a WhatsApp location.

First Aid
We shall have the support of a team of medics from MJB Support Services Ltd who will cover the start and be out on the course. 

Should you require first aid, please call the emergency contact number above and please try and provide your location using what3words.  If not, send a whatapp location if possible.  If the situation is life threatening then call 999 and inform us on the emergency phone asap afterwards.

Mechanical Support & Broom Wagon
There will be two mechanics supporting the event.
If you require mechanical assistance, please use the phone number provided above.

Should it not be possible to repair your bike to enable you to continue, we will come and transport you back to the HQ although you may have to bear with us to get to you.

Please do ensure that you carry appropriate spares – inner tube (recommended even if you are using tubeless!), pump multi tool etc as it may be some time before a mechanic can reach you if others are also requiring assistance.

Abandoning your ride
We hope that no one has to retire from the ride, but if you decide to stop or are unable to finish please call the contact/emergency number above to let us know. Otherwise, we will be ringing you or looking for you at the end of the day as you will be unaccounted for.

If for any reason you feel no able to complete the route you have signed up for, don’t worry – you can switch to follow a shorter route by just following the signage. However, it’s important that you inform the finish line staff so your result will reflect the correct distance.

Event Photography
We are delighted to be working with Charles Whitton Photography once again.  You will find photos on their website following the event using this link:

Riding around horses
Please ride slowly and carefully around horses. Horse ownership is very high in this area. If you encounter horses please speak as you approach to let the horse know you are there and pass wide and slow.

Please look at the guidance on the British Cycling website HERE 

Ride Responsibly
Please obey the event staff.  You ride under your own responsibility and must ride with due care and attention at all times, so as not to endanger your personal safety as well as others. You must always follow the normal rules of the road and be considerate and reasonable towards other road users. This is not a closed road event or a race. It is your responsibility to ensure your bicycle is well maintained and roadworthy. Tri-bars - these are allowed as they are road legal, however the organiser recommends that you do not use these when riding close to other riders. Also, some descents are steep and the road condition poor in places, so please be cautious when choosing to ride on Tri-bars .


Please avoid dropping litter on route. You can dispose of wrappers etc at the feed station. IN THE PAST DROPPING OF LITTER HAS GENERATED SOME COMPLAINTS FROM RESIDENTS AND FELLOW RIDERS. PLEASE DO NOT DROP LITTER.

Please also try to be always courteous and considerate to other road users to maintain the goodwill of local road users. This includes fellow participants.


Hospitals - The nearest A & E Hospitals depending on where you are on the route:

Leicester Royal Infirmary                                
Infirmary Square                                                     
LE1 5WW                                                       

Grantham and District Hospital
101 Manthorpe Road
NG31 8DG

Derby Road
Phone: 0115 924 9924

We wish you a safe and enjoyable, Great Day Out on the Bike